Optical Product Tests

Optical Product Tests

EUROLABoffers the expertise and experience you need to ensure the safety and compliance of your optical products.

Optical Product Tests

Optical-based product manufacturers such as laser, lighting and fiber optic cables are under pressure to meet evolving standards in optical safety, overall safety and product performance. With their use in various industries and the emergence of fiber optic data communication, optical products can be found in technological applications everywhere.

EUROLAB's comprehensive testing capabilities for laser safety and fiber optic performance help manufacturers accelerate time to market for their products, and with a customized product testing plan, manufacturers can complete the full suite of conformance testing requirements to gain acceptance into international markets.

Our Optical Testing Capabilities

  • Fiber Optic Tests
  • Military Fiber Optic Tests
  • Optical Radiation Test
  • Laser Safety
  • Optical Component Test
  • NEBS Test
  • Telecom Tests
  • Product Safety Test
  • Lighting Test

EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Optical Product Tests It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.
