Counter Tests

Counter Tests

EUROLABWith its expert team and state-of-the-art laboratories, helps you verify the accuracy, security and performance of your meters for certification and faster market access.

Counter Tests

As meter technology has advanced, modern smart meters have evolved from simple measuring instruments to automatic, wireless reading devices. With these technological changes, meter and meter component testing considerations have been expanded to include strict EMC, product safety and environmental requirements.

We certify the performance and accuracy of your gas, electricity or water meters to ensure that consumers and utilities are correctly charged for utilities provided. Our third party verification ensures that all meters go through a fair and unbiased testing process to guarantee consistently accurate measurements within a standardized acceptable margin of error. Performance and safety aspects are also evaluated to verify environmental durability and reduce hazards for end users.

Our single-source laboratories can perform extensive testing on a variety of components and meters to determine compliance with global standards. With the ability to test all measuring equipment in one place EUROLAB's streamlined testing process accelerates a manufacturer's time to market by performing accuracy, performance and safety testing, pre-testing and failure analysis under a single test plan.

Modern smart meters may require additional testing considerations to account for electronic metering and communication components. In addition to accuracy testing EUROLABcan also test the electromagnetic compatibility, environmental harshness and safety of meters to prevent measurement errors, comply with performance standards and ensure safety through hazard mitigation.

Our meter testing and certification capabilities include

  • Meter Pretest
  • Certificate Program
  • Failure analysis
  • Retirement Evaluations
  • Benefit Evaluations
  • Electrostatic Discharge Test
  • Wireless Test
  • Environmental Tests
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility Test
  • Sub Meter Test
  • Comparative Performance Test
  • Security Testing and Certification

EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Counter Tests It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.
