Tolling Tests

Tolling Tests

EUROLABis a leading independent testing facility and is certified for Tolling Interoperability Certification. Our proprietary tests verify that a tag or reader device implements all functions, is interoperable, performs in the field, and ultimately a tag will respond to a reader command in the correct amount of time.

Tolling Tests

Simulated Pass Fee Tests

EUROLABhas become the leading paid testing laboratory by pioneering a cost-saving laboratory-based solution. In the past, testing vendors performed laborious and expensive field tests that were not repeatable, but now EUROLAB's innovative Simulated Toll Testing process, toll tag and reader evaluations are accelerated efficiently and economically using a 3-step process:

  • Compliance 6C Test
  • Simulated Paid Test
  • Field Test

In addition to its pioneering solutions EUROLAB, also participates in the 6C Certification Program, which is designed to ensure tag and reader interoperability (IOP) between equipment vendors and toll facilities. This certification process is based on the ISO/IEC 18000-6 (Type C) RFID protocol.

EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Tolling Tests It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.
