Accidents involving bicycles, e-bikes or e-scooters are more common in road traffic. The question of who is to blame for the accident and who should compensate for the damage cannot always be clearly determined. Questions such as whether there was an operating error on part of the drive or whether the manufacturer bears responsibility need to be answered. As with all other motor vehicles, EUROLAB It also offers damage assessment as a service for two-wheeled vehicles.
Accredited Materials Engineering and Damage Analysis laboratories EUROLABhas laboratory equipment for material and component testing to reconstruct the course of events that led to the damage.
The testing flow is always similar: The bike to be tested or the components responsible for damage, such as forks, handlebars or saddles EUROLAB It is sent to the Automobil GmbH Testing Laboratory for Material Engineering and Damage Analysis and subjected to material analysis. Depending on the component, materials technicians subject samples to a macroscopic analysis or perform chemical analysis and hardness tests as well as bending tests. Fracture surface analysis with scanning electron microscopy is also part of the testing scope.
With these tests, EUROLAB experts can reliably reconstruct whether, for example, the selection of a fastening screw that is too short was the cause of the appearance of the fastening element - a typical design or installation error. Testers also monitor for material fatigue, stability problems or defects in surface finish, and stress cracks due to corrosion – all classic product defects. Typical user errors, such as overload causing forced breakage or misbehavior in use, can be reconstructed.
EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Material and Component Testing for Bikes It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.