E-Mobility Test

E-Mobility Test

The number of electric bicycles and mini electric vehicles on the roads is rapidly increasing, and therefore the requirements for their safety are also increasing. The new electric mini vehicle regulation creates the legal basis under which manufacturers of these vehicles must complete extensive testing before they can be transported on public roads. To this end EUROLABhas expanded its portfolio of mobility services to include this target group and offers a full-service programme.

E-Mobility Test

In the EMC laboratory, EUROLAB It tests the safety from electromagnetic radiation, or more precisely, the disruption of external systems and its own system by radiation of electromagnetic origin. The laboratory has several test chambers with a wide range of measurement and testing technologies that, in principle, ensure electromagnetic compatibility of three or more electric motorized small vehicles and mini-vehicles, from e-bikes to segways, e-rollers and hoverboards. four-wheeled delivery vehicles can be tested under real conditions.

For example, the output and braking effect can also be tested on roller dynamometers. Battery usage tests are also possible as part of the test suitable for use here.

The selection of test points depends on the category in which the vehicle will be grouped, ie machine, bicycle, L-vehicle or electric mini vehicle. The test must comply with the standard DIN EN 15194, for example. The safety test will be carried out in accordance with the machine instruction or the electric small vehicle regulation; Tests on the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electrical and electronic products are carried out in accordance with both the EMC directive and the road traffic law (ECE regulations).

EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, E-Mobility Test It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.
