Package testing helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your packaging to prevent product damage in transit.
Our single source laboratories can perform all relevant tests from the same place, saving time and money. Package testing helps manufacturers validate package designs to ensure their products will not be damaged in transit. Products are usually shipped between states, countries and continents to reach their destination. This is an inevitable link in the supply chain and therefore packaging must be designed to protect the products during the shipping process.
We help you evaluate your packaging designs to determine whether they provide adequate protection against impacts, vibration and other climatic conditions during shipping. Whether you plan to meet retailer requirements, ISTA standards, or independently evaluate your packaging, we can help you develop a testing plan to determine if your packaging is damaged during shipping.
Our single-source laboratories can perform all relevant tests from the same location, helping you limit test time and speed time to market. Our fast turnaround time allows manufacturers to verify the packaging at any stage of the manufacturing process without missing shipping deadlines due to testing and evaluation.
Damaged products result in lost revenue due to warranty claims, loss of consumer confidence, and additional production to replace damaged products. Once your package leaves your production site, it is up to the shipping services to safely deliver your product to its next location. This means packages must be loaded, stacked, transported and unloaded before they reach their destination.
The packages are guaranteed to experience minimal shock, compression and vibration during this process. Shipping services try to treat packages gently, but the only rule that protects manufacturers from broken products is “trust your packaging, not your carrier”.
Package testing should always be done before large product shipments. Testing your packaging is always cheaper than reproducing a significant portion of your product due to damage in transit.
Also, package testing should be done whenever there is a design, material or component change in a product. Small changes can have an unpredictable impact on product durability or packaging efficiency. When it comes to large shipments and new product production, best practice is to verify that your products will reach their destination undamaged before arranging a shipment.
Many online retailers have minimum protection level requirements for packages. Amazon, Walmart, and other major retailers protect brand reputation and consumer confidence by preventing damaged goods through effective packaging. If a manufacturer plans to sell their products in regulated online markets, it is important that they design, test and ensure that their packaging meets retailer requirements.
Relevant Standards and Capabilities
EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Package Testing It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.