Aerobic bacteria are single-celled organisms that grow in the presence of oxygen. They are the most common causes of clinical infection. In contrast, bacteria that do not need oxygen to survive are called anaerobic bacteria. The number of aerobic plates indicates the level of microorganisms in a product.
Microbiological contamination of cosmetics and personal care products during the manufacturing and manufacturing process is a common problem in the cosmetics industry. All cosmetics for consumer use must be free of pollution and must not contain rotten or harmful substances that may harm human health. Yet bacteria are everywhere and can be biodegraded or nurtured in most consumer products. Biodegradation causes deterioration of products or chemical changes that are dangerous to the user.
For bacteria, an aerobic plate count indicates the level of bacteria in a product and is sometimes used to indicate the quality and level of deterioration of a product. The number of bacteria in a cosmetic product helps to evaluate sanitary practices during manufacture and processing and to identify possible sources of contamination.
Bacterial plaque counts should be performed for each batch of products after production. Bacterial enumeration is performed by placing a sample of the product in an appropriate neutralizing water and then placing the dilutions on appropriate bacterial growth agar plates.
In the test, analysis, measurement and evaluation studies carried out in our organization, national and international standards and applicable legal regulations are complied with and reliable and impartial results are obtained. Among the numerous tests performed in this context, there are also aerobic colony counting (aerobic bacteria count) services.