Cosmetic products notification portal (CPNP, cosmetic products notification portal) is a free online notification system created for the implementation of the regulation 1223/2009 (EC) on cosmetic products published by the European Parliament and the Council. When a product is included in the CPNP, no further notification is required at the national level within the European Union.
This regulation requires responsible persons and, under certain conditions, cosmetic product distributors to provide some information about the products they place or offer on the European market through CPNP.
The cosmetic products reporting portal (CPNP) maintains this information electronically for:
Access to this portal is limited to the following organisations: competent authorities, European poison centres, cosmetic product managers and cosmetic product distributors.
The portal also includes a separate module for cosmetic products containing nanomaterials. If the European Commission is concerned about the safety of a nanomaterial, it can request the consumer safety scientific committee to conduct a risk assessment. The notification of such materials must be made 6 months before the products are placed on the European Union market.
In short, all cosmetic products to be put on the market in European Union countries must first be registered with CPNP. Notification is sufficient. The fact that the notification has been made does not mean that the product meets all the requirements of that regulation, but an approval procedure is not applied. Meanwhile, the CPNP is not open to the public. Individual people cannot control whether notifications are made or not. This access is only open to competent authorities and poison centers or similar organizations established in member states.
The obligation to register a cosmetic product with the CPNP rests with the responsible person who places it on the market. Each of the persons and organizations that sell cosmetic products under their own name or brand is obliged to report the products under their own company name.
By the way, there is no longer any obligation to indicate whether a product is in a particular market or not.
Our organization also provides testing services for CPNP cosmetic product registration with its trained and expert staff and advanced technological equipment, among the numerous test, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies it provides for businesses in various sectors.