Dermatological Patch Test

Dermatological Patch Test

The dermatological patch test is a test method generally applied for the investigation and verification of substances that cause allergic contact dermatitis. This test method involves applying properly diluted allergens to the skin, usually on the back for comfort, for 48 hours. Since reactions usually take 48-96 hours to develop, patch tests are read in 96 hours. Positive reactions produce a patch of dermatitis that appears as a red and possibly raised, vesicular or even blistering area at the application site of the offending allergen.

Dermatological Patch Test

Dermatitis are, for example, irritants and allergens. In practice, the cause of dermatitis can be complex. Patch testing is an important test method in determining the cause of allergic contact dermatitis. Patch testing is of limited value in investigating some types of drug allergies. A special type of patch test is used to investigate photocontact allergy.

When performing the burn test, a number of allergens are applied on special tapes, usually fitted to the back, with small aluminum discs that retain individual allergens. Between 30-100 allergens can be applied at a time. Ideally, patch tests are performed when the dermatitis is inactive. After the location of the patch test panels is carefully marked, they are removed after 48 hours and the skin is examined 48 hours after that.

There are several thousand potential contact allergens, but some are much more common than others. In this regard, at least a standard allergen series is applied during the tests. Different allergens may become more or less important over time, and the composition of the batch varies from country to country. The standard series contains about 70 percent of contact dermatitis. In general, additional allergen series are applied according to the person's occupation, dermatitis area and suspected allergen exposure.

Patch test, which is one of the allergy detection methods applied to the skin, allergic contact dermatitis, that is, it is a preferred test method in the investigation of chemical allergies. Patch testing is a test method for detecting chemicals, metals and eczema, such as jewelry, hair dye, cosmetics, tattoo or building materials.

Our organization also provides dermatological patch testing services with its trained and expert staff and advanced technological equipment, among the numerous test, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies it provides for businesses in various sectors.
