Chemical Peeling Agents Compatibility Analysis

Chemical Peeling Agents Compatibility Analysis

In a chemical peel, a chemical solution is used to remove layers of skin, revealing younger skin underneath. Chemical peels can reduce or improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, uneven skin discoloration, and other skin imperfections. Different chemicals determine the depth of the peeling process and the type of skin condition being treated.

Chemical Peeling Agents Compatibility Analysis

The solution used in chemical peeling or dermal peeling is a chemical component that causes trauma to the skin or injury to the layers of the skin. The skin layers eventually peel off, revealing younger skin. The new skin is usually smoother, has fewer lines and wrinkles, is more evenly colored, and has a brighter complexion.

Chemical peels are used to treat certain skin conditions or improve the appearance of the skin by revitalizing its tone and texture. Chemical peeling is most commonly applied to the face, neck or hands. This process helps reduce or improve the following conditions:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes or around the mouth caused by sun damage, aging and hereditary factors
  • Some types of acne
  • slight scar
  • Sunspots, age spots, liver spots, freckles, uneven skin tone
  • Precancerous scaly spots
  • Rough skin, scaly patches and dull skin
  • Dark spots due to pregnancy or birth control pill use

Sagging, protrusions, deep scars, deep facial lines and more severe wrinkles do not respond well to chemical peeling. In this case, other cosmetic surgical procedures such as carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, face lift, brow lift, eye lift or soft tissue filler are recommended.

In general, superficial peeling is suitable for all skin types. However, for a darker skin tone, there is a higher risk of skin darkening after treatment.

Chemical peeling is not recommended in the following cases:

  • If you have a history of abnormal skin scarring
  • If your scars have extra discoloration
  • If you have skin conditions or are taking medications that make the skin more sensitive

Different chemical solutions provide different results. The choice of chemical to be used depends on expectations.

A light peel or superficial peel usually gives results that last 1-2 months, a medium peel can last up to six months. If using a deep peel is necessary, such as to target extreme sun damage or address medical dermatology concerns, these results often last a lifetime.

In short, chemical peeling is a practice that enables the emergence of a healthy skin by creating controlled damage at different depths by applying one or more chemical agents to the skin in order to revitalize, rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the skin. The aim of chemical peeling is to damage the skin layers to the desired depth and to treat various lesions by taking advantage of the increase in collagen and elastin production triggered by wound healing during regeneration. In this treatment, a chemical acid is applied to the skin, causing the superficial layers to separate and peel. Although there are many chemical peeling agents, the most commonly used are alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid, fruit acids and lactic acid, salicylic acid (beta hydroxy acids), trichloroacetic acid and their combinations.

Nowadays, chemical peeling is one of the simplest and easily applicable procedures that is frequently used not only for cosmetic purposes but also in the treatment of many dermatological diseases. Fine wrinkles on the skin caused by sun and burns, sun and age-related spots, freckles, dark spots on the face and hormonal or pregnancy spots can be corrected and improved by peeling.

Tests and analyzes to be carried out in advanced laboratories for the chemical peeling materials to be used are extremely important to ensure that they are compatible with the person's body values.

given to businesses by our organization Among countless testing, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies There are also chemical peeling substance compatibility analysis services.
