EUROLABIn order to achieve the best packaging quality in , we use appropriate analytical techniques adopted into packaging material specifications to serve the preservation of the cosmetic formula. EUROLAB Cosmetic Packaging Testing services detect inert (ceramic, glass) and non-inert materials (paper and cardboard, plastic, rubber, silicone, regenerated cellulose, metals, alloys, bamboo, recycled, active and smart and flexible). We also detect films, bottles and all container types, colored, non-coloured, printed and unprinted.
General Migration
We start Cosmetic Packaging migration tests with Overall Migration. General Migration measures the unidentified migration of non-volatile chemicals derived from packaging. As recommended in Cosmetic Packaging test EUROLABcomplies with Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
Because, EUROLABadapts well-established food contact material testing methods to estimate the total amount of non-volatile substances carried into cosmetics (10 mg per dm² limit). Simulants A and D2 are frequently used and represent hydrophilic or lipophilic cosmetic formulations, respectively. To estimate the time and temperature (contact conditions) between the simulant and the cosmetic packaging, the expiration date of the product must be taken into account. General Migration test findings indicate potential leaks that will be further analyzed in the next steps of the Packaging Assessment process.
Specific Migration
The chemical types that come out of the packaging are quite diverse and depend on the type of packaging material. We are moving to Özgül Göç, still taking advantage of food contact material regulations. With Specific Migration, we identify specific substances such as monomers or substances of very high concern (SVHC) based on toxicity data for each substance determined by EFSA. If the material is unknown, it must be identified by FTIR spectroscopy.
EUROLABPerforms migration studies for inert and non-inert materials to detect Phthalates, PAHs, Bisphenol A, Melamine, Acetaldehyde, plastic Additives, Formaldehyde, fluorescent whitening agents, benzophenone, glyoxal, pentaclophenol, Heavy Metals and various Monomers. SM is measured by the exudates that leak after appropriate extraction. Each substance has a different migration limit resulting from toxicity measurements. Because of the importance of migration findings resulting from exposure assessment, Stability studies are closely related.
Substances Not Intentionally Added
Production, extraction, storage and recycling processes result in substances or ingredients being found in cosmetic packaging. These substances may pose a health risk. To help alleviate potential health risks EUROLAB Performs screening for Unintentionally Added Substances (NIAS). We detect and quantify impurities, completely unknown substances, reaction products and degradation products. A risk assessment of substances not included in EU Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials must be carried out.
With NIAS scan
Removable Seals
We conduct extractable studies to determine the additives and substances that come out of the substance substance in contact with the active substance. To increase the extraction rate, we expose the material product sample under stress conditions to a suitable solvent system. Solvents used in extractable studies tend to remove the active ingredient and ingredients in the cosmetic formulation.
Leakage studies determine the suitability of a packaging material for its intended use and evaluate the compatibility between the active cosmetic substance and the packaging material. We continue interaction studies including migration and sorption studies to examine the interaction between packaging and formulation. Migration studies monitor the leaching of substances from the packaging material into the formulation and assess the possible loss of cosmetic properties due to absorption studies, adsorption or absorption effects.
Mechanical Properties
Changes in mechanical properties can cause changes in packaging performance. We conduct barrier tests and tensile tests to increase the safety of cosmetic packaging and cosmetic formulation. Barrier tests show the permeability of gases and evaluate the quality of packaged cosmetics. Tensile strength tests are applied to all kinds of packaging materials and determine the maximum load to be applied to a packaging material before it breaks or shreds. Cosmetic packaging materials can be subjected to a mechanical test before and after stability to verify possible changes in mechanical properties at all stages of the cosmetic formulation.
Functional Features
Cosmetic Packaging functional properties affect the packaging performance and its data are used to measure the functionality of the packaging material and, finally, to increase the safety of the cosmetic packaging. At QAV measuring Adhesiveness, Flexibility, Hardness, Group adherence, Burst strength, Breaking point, Cracking, Gel strength, Yield point, Consistency and Relaxation.
As stated in the Cosmetic Packaging test, EUROLABfollows the general principles of safety and inertness from the framework compliant with all packaging materials (EC) No 1935/2004 on Food Contact Materials, which specifies general safety requirements. The most comprehensive specific EU measure is EU No 10/2011 on plastic materials and products intended to come into contact with food. Examining Food Plastic products Immigration is also taken into account.
EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Cosmetic Packaging Tests It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.