The OECD Library is the online library of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) books, articles and statistics, and is the knowledge base of its analysis and data. One of the test methods included here is the OECD 431 In vitro skin irritation and corrosion screen tests.
Skin irritation and corrosion is generally defined as the production of irreversible damage to the skin following a certain chemical exposure. The in vitro skin corrosion test is an in vitro, non-animal test designed to identify chemicals and mixtures that cause skin corrosion and, in some cases, to partially subcategorize corrosives.
This test method is considered useful for regulatory classification and labeling of chemicals and mixtures, and test results are used independently or to support an evidence approach.
In vivo skin abrasion is typically due to rapid chemical-induced cell damage. Therefore, this test method provides a mechanically relevant measurement of cell viability in tissues of reconstructed human epidermis after a single topically applied chemical treatment, relative to tissues treated with a negative control.
Various other protocols exist to evaluate a range of irritation and corrosion responses to support product development, product management, candidate formulation selection, and other non-regulatory applications.
The test methods described in the OECD 431 test guide allow the identification of corrosive chemicals and mixtures and allow the identification of non-corrosive substances and mixtures when it is desired to establish evidence using other available information. The test protocol also provides an indication of the distinction between serious and less severe skin abrasives. This test guide does not require the use of live animals or animal tissue for assessment of skin abrasiveness.
Corrosive materials are defined by their ability to produce a reduction in cell viability below defined threshold levels at certain exposure times. Colored chemicals are also tested using an HPLC procedure.
Our organization also provides in vitro skin irritation and corrosion screen testing services with its trained and expert staff and advanced technological equipment, among the numerous test, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies it provides for businesses in various sectors.