Developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) The ISO 1067 standard provides a method for determining the contents of unsaponifiable, unsaponifiable and unsaponifiable matter in commercial soaps, excluding compound products. According to this standard, the hexane-soluble substance is extracted and the extracted free fatty acids are titrated with potassium hydroxide solution. In this way, saponification of products soluble in hexane neutralized and extraction of unsaponifiable matter with hexane is achieved. The full name of this standard is ISO 1067: 1974 Soap analysis - Determination of unsaponifiable, unsaponifiable and unsaponifiable saponifiable matter.
in questionThis test method is applied to determine the contents of products that can be soluble in hexane or light petroleum (unsaponifiable + unsaponifiable matter) and can be saponified (unsaponified saponified substance), other than free fatty acids. In contrast, it does not apply to soaps enriched with sterols or long-chain alcohols, or to soaps containing perfume.
This method is based on the following principles:
In the tests and analyzes carried out in our organization, which has a wide range of technological equipment, trained and experienced staff and applies the most modern methods, national and international standards and legal regulations in force are complied with. Among the numerous tests carried out in this context, there are also services for the determination of unsaponifiable, unsaponifiable and unsaponifiable matter.