Product Durability Tests

Product Durability Tests

The durability of the products offered to consumers must comply with both industry and consumer standards. In this regard, it is subjected to rigorous tests to find out the length of time that the products can function without any damage. These tests are carried out by simulating conditions that would normally develop during the lifetime of the products. These test simulators test any unexpected situation that may occur with the product.

Product Durability Tests

Generally, durability tests of a product include: permeability, leakage, air temperature, aging, shock, mechanical shock, vibration, thermal shock, thermal cycle, pressure cycle, load, environment, tensile (tension), material, points of failure, component failure. , operational limits, wear, vacuum cycle and evaporative emissions.

For example, in temperature testing, high behavioral properties of materials are determined when exposed to extreme temperatures. These tests are carried out at temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius.

During the tensile test, the product is placed in a test frame where pressure is applied to the product. As the pressure increases, the tension of the product is measured. Data resulting from the strain of the pressure capacity are recorded and reported.

Corrosion can cause permanent damage to a product. Using high quality corrosion resistant and high pressure vessels, it undergoes electrochemical monitoring, 3D laser profiling and scanning electron microscopy to ensure the product is anti-corrosive.

Vibration testing involves using either an electrodynamic vibration table or a servo-hydraulic shaker. Both machines provide shock vibrations to the product by using hardware and software that measures the pressure and controls the vibration result in the product.

The aging test uses accelerated conditions to test the product to its limits. Testing is usually performed in a laboratory environment where accelerated conditions and sustained stress applied to the product will determine its longevity.

Fatigue testing is done to evaluate how a product degrades over time. During this test, force is applied to the product a repeated number of times until the product fails. In this way, it is determined how long the product lasts under strenuous conditions. The first signs of fatigue appear in the form of cracks on the product. As testing continues, cracks deepen and lengthen until the product can no longer tolerate the stress.

Our organization also provides product durability testing services with its trained and expert staff and advanced technological equipment, among the numerous test, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies it provides for businesses in various sectors.
