Feed analyzes are necessary to provide accurate information on the composition of feed ingredients and to determine the level of desirable and undesirable substances in feed, thus ensuring safe and balanced diets for livestock. Without these analyzes it is almost impossible to control what animals eat.
Global demand for livestock products is expected to increase by more than 30 percent over the next 60 years. The livestock sector has to greatly increase the amount of safe and nutritious feed for animals to provide the products needed in the future.
Adequate and balanced nutrition of animals, purification of feed from toxins and pollutants, and increasing the productivity and welfare of animals are required. Quality feed also increases producers' earnings and ensures a cleaner and greener environment. In short, the safety and quality of animal feed is vital to prevent dangerous substances from entering food.
Malnutrition affects not only the productivity of the animal, but also its health, behavior and well-being. Also, due to the close link between feed and foodborne pathogens, the safety and quality of the food chain can be affected. The presence of mycotoxins, heavy metals and pesticides in feed can adversely affect animal and human health.
Contaminated feed often causes feed recalls and significant economic losses. It is therefore important to regularly measure contaminants and toxins.
In the test, analysis, measurement and evaluation studies carried out in our organization, national and international standards and applicable legal regulations are complied with and reliable and impartial results are obtained. Among the numerous tests carried out in this context, there are also feed analysis services.