(EU) 2019/2020 Environmentally Friendly Eco Design Test and Certification

(EU) 2019/2020 Environmentally Friendly Eco Design Test and Certification

In October 2019, the environmental friendly design (eco design) directive (EU) 2019/2020 was published for the European Union countries. This directive repeals the following legal regulations based on directive 2009/125/EC:

(EU) 2019/2020 Environmentally Friendly Eco Design Test and Certification

  • (EC) 244/2009 Eco design requirements for non-linear household lamps
  • (EC) 245/2009 Eco-design requirements for fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast, high-intensity discharge lamps, and ballasts and luminaires operating such lamps
  • (EC) 1194/2012 Eco design requirements for linear lamps, light emitting diode lamps (LED) and related equipment

This new directive sets out the eco design requirements for light sources and separate control assemblies. This directive describes the environmentally responsible design requirements of the light source and separate control assemblies, called single lighting application (SLR). After a transition period of two years, the directive is planned to be implemented in 2023.

Ecodesign is a contemporary approach to product and service design that takes into account the environmental impact of a product over its lifetime. In other words, when designing a product, eco-design means trying to minimize the environmental impact it will have throughout its lifetime. Eco design has a significant impact on the lighting industry, as it does in many other areas. The approach to designing products with the lowest possible environmental impact has now become a real imperative. Some traditional lighting technologies are being abandoned because of the dwindling energy resources.

With the (EU) 2019/2020 environmentally friendly design (eco design) directive, the removable and interchangeable forms of light sources and separate control equipment are also regulated. This directive contains eco-design requirements for all products involving energy expenditure.is working. According to the European Union data, the lighting sector accounts for approximately 12 percent of the total electricity consumption. In this regard, special studies on eco-design arrangements for lighting sources are still ongoing.

Among the numerous test, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies it provides for businesses in various sectors, our organization also provides testing services within the framework of (EU) 2019/2020 environmentally friendly eco design test and certification regulation, with its trained and expert staff and advanced technological equipment.
