Demand and Expertise Services

Demand and Expertise Services

Professional expert assessments are often indispensable when it comes to claims regarding any possible damage. EUROLAB's extensive knowledge of service department demands and expertise delivers independence, innovation and quality.

Demand and Expertise Services

Our portfolio of services deals with all possible damages, regardless of their nature and complexity. We assist with all sorts of end-of-period inspections and automotive claims to claims in the field of Property, Maritime and Liability, to very niche demand services such as arts and wines.

In addition, the pricing, branding and sales process of vehicles returned on behalf of our customers is part of the Service Department portfolio. First of all, we serve all customers in the Automotive and Insurance Industry, as well as meeting the needs of the B2C market.

Handling Requests

We offer claims management services to insurance companies, leasing companies, government agencies and corporate clients.

Lost adjustment

Our expert team of Marine, Property and Liability experts will provide you with the highest level of non-automotive expertise. Whether it's a simple home damage or a complex liability claim, there's always someone nearby. EUROLAB There is an expert.

Vehicle Valuation Services

Our experts provide all kinds of services related to inspections, expert reports, evaluations and evaluations with passion for your personal safety.

EUROLAB, with its highly expert team and internationally accredited laboratories, Demand and Expertise Services It performs all test, analysis, measurement, evaluation and report generation services completely and reliably.
